Automation of format changeover on labelling machines with ALTECH

Format setting is carried out at the touch of a button

To shorten the changeover time for frequent format changes, ALTECH offers the option of equipping all axes with a servo motor instead of a handwheel. In this way, the format can be set easily and precisely at the touch of a button. When the recipe format is called up, the motors automatically move to the previously stored positions. With this system, changeover times can be reduced from many minutes (or ten minutes) to a fraction of this time, with only the time needed to change the label roll being added.

Setting a new format is also very easy, via the touch panel. The operator can move each individual axis by pressing simple plus-minus buttons. Once the correct setting is found, a "teach" button stores the position in the machine's memory, along with the other parameters of the product recipe.

All fixtures that have sliders/clamps/knobs cannot be automated; their positioning is still manual, possibly using graduated scales whose values are stored in the memo fields of the HMI.

You can see how to teach in a new format in the attached video.

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